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Rolling Out Your Pasta
from Albert Grande's pastatherapy.com

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You made your pasta. See Make Pasta

Now what do you do with it?

You can watch a video of making pasta right on this page.

You can roll out your pasta with a rolling pin.
Then use a pizza wheel to cut it to your desired size.

I prefer to use a pasta machine. The pasta machine will  allow you to make you pasta the desired thickness. In addition as you run the dough through the machine it will also knead the pasta.

Albert Grande rolls out pasta with a pasta machine.


The only pasta machine I recommend is the Atlas:



 How to make pasta with a pasta machine:

  1. Divide the dough into six equal parts

  2. Flatten pasta with your hand

  3. Put the pasta machine on the widest setting.

  4. Run the pasta through the machine

  5. Fold the pasta into thirds (like a letter)

  6. Dust with flour

  7. Repeat process at least five more times at the widest setting

  8. Continue to pass the pasta through the machine, changing the setting each time.

  9. When the past reaches your desired thickness, your done.

  10. Place the pasta sheets on a dish towel or between dusted sheets of wax paper.

  11. Careful to not let the pasta dry out.

  12. Now you can either run the pasta sheets through a the pasta machine to cut it into noodles or you can use a pasta wheel or pizza wheel, if you are making lasagna.


Here is a video of me making pasta to help you get started...


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